Determine the type of therapy or counselling which might be best for you...

Ask yourself...
Ask yourself...
1: Is this a relatively new problem that is contained within a specific set of circumstances?
2: Is it most important to you to achieve immediate relief for the symptoms of discomfort that you are experiencing?
3: Do you need to solve the problem with a minimum amount of time commitment?
4: Is this a recurring problem in your life?
5: Is it important to you that you figure out the larger underlying problem that is causing your symptoms?
6: Are you willing and able to make a long-term commitment to therapy?
If you answered yes to the first three questions - then time-limited counselling, solution focused brief therapy, or a cognitive or behavioural form of treatment may be your best choice.
If you answered yes to questions 4 to 6 - then open-ended counselling or psychoanalytic therapy (psychotherapy), may be more appropriate to your needs.
Please note: This is a generalised guide, and only an assessment with a qualified counsellor / therapist or mental health professional will give you an estimation to what may suit you.